Saturday, February 16, 2013


Hi all! My name is Sarge, which comes from a RL nickname. I know, miraculously creative considering I just joined up to a site that depends on creativity and imagination. Haha. I don't know if your member base is largely American or whatnot, but I'm an Aussie, so hopefully I'm adding a little diversity here.

I found Role Play Gateway through a Google search. I did some play-by-post role playing years ago for some time and loved it. That site kinda fell of wagon, so my outlet for role playing drifted away with it. I was thinking about getting back into but had no idea where to go. So tonight I 'Googled' it. A few places came up, and after having a look around, I decided this may just be the one for me! Looks like a great place.

I am interested in basically all kinds of RP, though I do tend to favour a lot of the modern settings. I'll have a go at just about anything with characters that leap out at me as interesting though. I love creating chemistry (be it positive or negative) between characters. In one respect I'm less of a storyteller and more of a character-actor type. If that makes a lick of sense. Not that I do that consciously, but it just tends to be more my style. I'm all about character interaction. I love a good story though! I don't mean I sacrifice the story... Damn, I hope not!

Outside the RP World, my hobbies revolve around music and film. The film thing kind of links I think, as the role play game is basically literary acting. At least that's how I look at it, and I love the idea of playing different characters, like a real actor! Haha.

I read a topic on things to think about including when introducing yourself here. The last thing said was "Do we get cookies for looking through your thread and saying hello?" I cannot offer cookies, since I'm struggling to fit them through the CD drive (that's how they're sent, right??), but I CAN give you my eternal gratitude and appreciation for welcoming me. On second thoughts, cookies would be so much better. Sorry. :(


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